Whether the charges are for misdemeanor or felony theft, a conviction can have long-lasting negative effects on your personal and professional life. Bail bond agents can help you secure bail so that you or your loved one can plan a defense.

Choosing an agency with a solid reputation is essential. Visit https://aamericanbailbonds.com to learn more.
A person can be charged with a variety of crimes related to theft. These include petty theft, grand larceny, aggravated identity fraud, and passing bad checks. Regardless of the severity of the charge, there are certain situations in which it is necessary to secure a theft bail bond to avoid jail time.
A petty theft crime occurs when a item, service, or property is obtained without the owner’s consent through deception, threat, or intimidation. Generally, the stolen items are valued less than $500 and this crime is classified as a misdemeanor.
Grand larceny is a much more serious type of theft. This criminal act is considered a felony of the fourth degree if the stolen property is valued between $1,000 and $7,500. This includes items such as electronics, jewelry, and firearms. A grand larceny charge is a serious offense and a judge will usually set a high bail amount for the defendant’s release from custody.
Identifying fraud occurs when someone uses another person’s personal information to acquire money, goods, services, medical information, and properties without the other person’s permission. This type of criminal act is also known as identity theft and it can be committed in many different ways including through social media, online banking, and credit cards.
Identity theft can be a very difficult crime to prove because the original person whose information was used has no proof that it actually happened. However, the original person can file a police report and the suspect may be arrested for the crime. If they are arrested, the victim can contact a nearby bail bond agency like Apex Bail Bonds to get them out of jail until their next court date.
What is Larceny?
Whether or not you’ve committed a larceny offense depends on several factors, such as the type of property stolen and its value. Connecticut law defines six different degrees of larceny, and these classifications determine the penalty you may face if convicted. For example, if you take a small item from a store without paying for it, you will be charged with petty theft. But if you steal a car or a gun, you’ll be charged with grand larceny and could potentially face prison time.
Grand larceny (also known as larceny in the first degree) occurs when an individual takes possession of another person’s property or motor vehicle with a value of $20,000 or more. This offense is a Class B felony, which carries severe financial and legal consequences for convicted defendants.
If the amount of stolen property is less than $20,000, you may be charged with a lesser degree of larceny, such as second-degree larceny or third-degree larceny. These types of larceny are less serious than the first-degree felony and carry much lighter penalties, such as community service or counseling.
You can also be charged with receiving stolen property if you receive, retain, or dispose of stolen items without the knowledge of the owner. This is considered a lesser charge than grand larceny and carries a penalty of up to five years in jail.
Burglary bail bonds are a convenient way for accused individuals to post bail for their burglary case without having to pay the full amount in cash. A bail bondsman posts the bond on behalf of the accused, and the accused must agree to report to the bail bond agent at least once a week.
When choosing a bail bondsman for your larceny or burglary bail, make sure to find one with experience and a good reputation. A reputable company will provide you with the best services at an affordable rate, so you can get back on your feet as quickly as possible. They will also offer financing solutions, making it even easier to afford their services. In addition to offering flexible payment plans, a good bail bondsman will have a high customer satisfaction rating and a track record of success in securing people’s freedom from jail while they await their trial.
How Do Bail Bonds Work?
Bail is a sum of money that an accused person can pay in order to stay out of jail until their trial date. Often times, bail can be set at very high amounts which makes it impossible for some individuals to pay it. This is when they will need a bail bondsman, who can help them secure the money needed for their release. A Mercer County criminal defense lawyer will be able to explain more about bail bonds and how they work.
A judge will decide whether or not to allow a defendant to remain free on bail. This decision is based on a number of factors such as the crime that was committed and if it was considered violent. The judge also will take into account the accused’s finances and will determine if they can afford to return to court as required.
If a judge allows the accused to stay out of jail on bail they will usually require that they promise to come back for their next scheduled court appearance. This is done in writing and the accused must agree to abide by certain conditions that will be put in place. These may include things such as calling the bail bond company before each court date or making periodic check-ins at the bail bond office.
In some cases, the judge may believe that a written promise is not enough to ensure the accused will return for their trial and they will require additional collateral in order to grant them a bond. This can be in the form of cash, assets, property or even a deed to a home. The collateral is held by the court until the accused appears for all of their scheduled court dates. If they do, the collateral is returned to the person who provided it.
Often times, people will choose to use a bail bonding company to obtain their release from jail. This will allow them to keep their jobs, take care of their children and prepare for their trial with a clear head. The bonding company will charge a fee for their services which is typically between 10 and 15 percent of the total bail amount. They will also need collateral such as a car, house or bank accounts that are equal to or greater than the total bail amount.
What Happens to My Bail Money When the Case Is Over?
Bail is designed to provide a temporary release from jail until your trial date. However, you must adhere to a set of conditions once the court has released you from custody. Failure to follow these terms may result in your bail amount being forfeited. This can occur if you fail to show up for a court hearing, violate the terms of your bond, or if you are convicted of the crime for which you were released on bail.
Once your trial is over, if the charges against you are dropped, you will receive your bail money back from the courts. How this happens depends on how you paid your bail, whether it was in cash or through a bail bonds company. The process is usually a little longer if you used property to secure your release, as the court will have to issue a lien against the property and then take action to sell the collateral.
In most cases, if the judge drops charges against you or your loved one, it means that the evidence presented to the court did not support the case and there is no reason to continue with the trial. Nonetheless, it is recommended that you seek legal assistance to ensure that you follow the proper procedures to get your bail money back.
If you’re lucky enough to have your charges dismissed, the next step is to file a remission of forfeiture application with the court. This is not always easy and you will need a lot of documentation to prove that the charges were dropped.
A bail bondsman is a good source of information about the process of getting your bail money back. They will be able to guide you through the procedure and help you understand all of the details involved. They may also be able to recommend an attorney to assist you in filing the necessary documents with the court. They will make sure that the process is as smooth as possible. They will even be able to assist you in locating any documentation that you may need to submit with your application.